We welcome you to be part of an organization that not only works toward excellence in higher education but contributes to a kinder, 关爱世界. Challenging times have shined a light on difficulties that many of our students and employees face each day. 作为一个大学, we are committed to educating ourselves to understand our students and our neighbors better, 所以所有人都能在他们的教育目标上取得成功.
There is no place at 杰克逊的大学 for bias, hate and unkind actions. The College is committed to tearing down obstacles that have blocked the paths of too many and increasing understanding of all. This is accomplished through innovation, cooperation and examination at all levels. 如果这项有目的的工作符合你的个人价值观和信仰, 我们欢迎你申请成为全球网络赌博平台团队的一员.
Jackson college strives to make a positive difference to the life and future of our region by taking socially responsible decisions that have real, 有益的, 对我们周围的人和世界产生了可衡量的影响. We make a significant contribution to our communities and society as a whole through our research, 我们的教育和广泛的活动由我们的员工承担, 学生及校友.
杰克逊的大学 offers a competitive compensation package for qualifying employees that provides a full spectrum of benefits including health, 牙科, 愿景, 学费报销, 专业发展, 还有大量的带薪休假.
家里需要一台电脑? 完成试用期的全职JC员工, 可以扣减工资购买家用电脑吗. 你可以分26期支付电脑费用. 新电脑可能每三(3)年购买一次. 请联系Sandie Beagle了解更多信息.
Don’t forget about the JC tuition waiver for when you, your spouse or dependents take JC classes. Full-time faculty, staff, and administration receive free tuition at JC. 兼职教师和工作人员积累学费学分. 更多信息请联系人力资源部.
锡耶纳高地大学 为全球网络赌博平台提供全职员工, 谁已受雇至少一年, a fixed dollar discount of $80 per credit hour for both bachelor’s and master’s degree courses. 请拨打分机8672查询更多信息.
富兰克林大学 是否为全职和兼职员工提供学费折扣. The undergraduate discount is 15%, while the graduate discount is 10%.
JC believes in giving our employees the tools and opportunities to excel at their career, which is why we provide numerous 专业发展 opportunities throughout the year. 请浏览 专业发展网页 获取有关未来机会的信息.
在 中央校区, eligible employees can use the fitness center which is located in the Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse. 时间可根据要求提供. Lifetime Learning (LTL) 课程 is excluded from tuition grants with the exception of one (1) LTL Health and Physical Fitness course per semester.
希尔斯代尔的员工和学生 现在有资格享受折扣 随时随地健身 位于市场大厦广场2010 W. 希尔斯代尔卡尔顿路. Your membership includes 24 hour access to all Anytime fitness facilities and tanning at the Hillsdale location only for a low price of $29.12个月,每月99美元,外加30美元的手续费. 同一家庭的任何额外成员也将收取29美元.每月99美元,外加30美元的手续费. 请出示您的JC ID以获得此折扣.
JC与 Lenawee 基督教青年会 提供健康和体能课程. Eligible employees may use their tuition credits to participate in these classes.
莱纳威的员工和学生 现在有资格享受折扣 健身联系 在特库姆塞, 只要出示身份证,JC员工就能享受八折优惠, 而学生可以享受近四折优惠!
如果你有手机,你知道吗 威瑞森, AT&T or t - mobile 你可以享受折扣,因为你是JC的员工? 请按超连结浏览更多详情.
杰克逊的大学 has partnered with Allegiance Health to offer JC students and employees medical care evaluation and treatment from the clinic’s caring staff. A licensed nurse practitioner and technical staff will be in the office to see patients, 进行诊断和评估, 开药或转诊. JC nursing and allied health students will also help as part of their education.
健康诊所网站 -
你的孩子需要日托? ABC Academy operates a day care center on the campus of 杰克逊的大学. Priority for enrollment is given to students and then to JC employees before enrollment is opened to the public. 详情请致电768-9323. JC的学生和员工可以享受5%的折扣.
- 在全球网络赌博平台的东侧,书店入口旁边.
- 在运动场的西侧,正门处.
- 在麦克迪维特和阿特金森大厅之间.
- 在校园景观的大门外.
- 在怀廷厅的南院子里.
- 喷气衣架一体机箱纸/塑料/金属/玻璃
每座建筑都可以回收纸张. 全球网络赌博平台 bins are in the back hallway near the Federer Rooms and the other buildings have bins under the stairways. 走绿色!
The College has established a 学费报销 program with an annual budget of $10,000.00. ESP bargaining unit members may apply to participate in the program and those accepted will receive reimbursement for coursework not offered at JC. Reimbursement will be the amount equal to the current JC tuition rate and will only be paid when the employee provides verification of successful completion of the course (2.0或更高). ESP bargaining unit members participating in this program agree to continue their employment for a period of one year for each 24 credits covered, 按比例计算, 或退还已收到的学费. Applications must be submitted by April 1st for the coming academic year.